Gifting of Battery operated portable Sanitizer Spray to Niloufer Hospital

All India Payam E Insaniyat Forum
🌹Learn to live with Love🌹

Keeping in view of the current challenging situation we all are facing as a society due to COVID 19 , we thought it is the need of the hour to make our humble contribution in sanitization of public places.

For this very purpose, Yesterday June 27, 2020, AIPIF West Zone Hyderabad, gifted two battery operated portable sanitizing spray to Niloufer Hospital Hyderabad. This will not solve the problem though but we are doing our own bit in these times of the crisis.

We are also continuing our activities that we started during the lockdown i.e. serving of the ration kits to the deserving needy, serving cooked food where ever needed, helping people pay their rentals, helping people to stand on their own feet in our own humble capacity.

AIPIF is a non-political and non-religious organisation working on social issues of people in order to serve humanity and to spread love among all sections of the society irrespective of caste, creed or religion. The sole purpose or idea behind this is to make us human beings understand that no matter to which religion, caste or creed we belong to , we should live cordially with a fellow human being. We should live with a feeling of love and respect in our heart for a fellow human being.

AIPIF Hyderabad
West Zone.

Serving of Ration kits to our fellow human beings, Gifting of PPE Kits to Doctors, healthcare workers and Serving Tea to Police Personnel during the lockdown

All India Payam E Insaniyat Forum
🌹Learn to live with Love 🌹

The activities undertaken by AIPIF West Zone Hyderabad during the on going lockdown due to COVID 19 a global pandemic :

    Activity                                   Quantity

Ration Kits                                    7806

PPE Kits.                                          100

Tea, Water bottles,.                     4000+

Tata Gluco Plus etc..

• Served ration kits to the needy (Widows, Abondoned Women, Divorcees, Daily Wage labourers and their respective families)

• Gifted PPE Kits to Gandhi Hospital, Fever Hospital, Nilofer Hospital to express our gratitude to the doctors, nurses, healthcare workers who working 24×7 diligently to save the people effected.

• Since the lockdown, daily, we have been serving police personnel with Tea, Water Bottles, Packaged drinks like Tata Gluco Plus etc.. We have been serving tea etc.. to police  at police stations as well as  on the streets. This is again to express our gratitude to police who are working tirelessly for people safety. Atleast 100 police personnel are being served daily.

Below is a brief introduction of AIPIF :

Message of peace and love is the foundation of every human being on this earth, but unfortunately today, instead of promoting the positive values of humanity certain evil elements are engaged in developing rift and hatred among us. In this context it is the responsibility of every peace-loving citizen of this country to introduce the positive teachings and to promote mutual love, confidence and understanding between the members of various communities and religions.

All India Payam-e-Insaniyat (The Message of Humanity) Forum is a non-political, non-religious, social organization. This organization is committed to promote the basic human values among all citizens of India irrespective of cast, creed or religion purely on the basis of humanity.

We shall continue our efforts to serve humanity and to spread love among people of different communities in our own humble capacity as much as we can, and as far as we can.

AIPIF West Zone


Medical Camp at Zeba Bagh Community Hall, Hyderabad on March 08, 2020

All India Payam – E – Insaniyat Forum
🌹Learn to live with love 🌹

AIPIF  West Zone Hyderabad, conducted a  medical camp yesterday (March 08, 2020)  at ” A block community hall, zeba Bagh, Hyderabad”

We are thankful to the  doctors who made the camp possible

Dr  Hussaini           General physician

Dr. Ikram               General physician

Dr.  Anwar             General physician

Dr. Javeed Iqbal    General physician   and diabetologist

More than 250 patients were attented . Prescribed Medicine was also provided to the patients .

We thank all the volunteers and we thank those who could not be present but were present by their prayers .

AIPIF is a non-political and non-religious organization. The purpose of AIPIF is to bring communities of different religions, caste and creed together and promote harmony , tolerance and essential human values in all walks of life.

Best regards

AIPIF (west zone)


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