Aims & Objectives
1. To create mutual good-will and an atmosphere of affection kindness purely on human and national levels founded on BROTHERHOOD and WELL-BEING of MANKIND generally; to put an end to violence, lawlessness, anarchy, moral degradation and create FELLOW-FEELING towards each other.
2. To hold Public meetings and Seminars for promoting and spreading the sense of sharing sorrows and sufferings of human beings.
Publication of useful cultural/moral literature in various National, Regional and widely spoken languages; to bring together through service and sacrifice, people belonging to different classes and communities; to restore confidence amongst people who have become sick of life; and restore/revive love for life in spiritually sick souls and to give them a virtuous AIM of life.
3. To weed-out from the society and human race: Bribery and illegal gratification;Nepotism and favoritism;Misconceptions arising out of hatred;Hoarding, profiteering and black-marketing;Sectarianism;Disparity in economic and living standards and Full-fledged struggle against sub-standards behavioral inclinations and obscenity.
4. To eradicate all ill-founded rites, rituals and cruel conventions.
5. To uplift the poor, the backward, the neglected, the down-trodden, and the agonized people irrespective of caste, creed, colour and gender.
6. To create a sense of Sobriety, social service, submissiveness, self-respect, self-restraint, self-confidence, self-vigilance, and to raise cultural and intellectual levels of the STUDENT COMMUNITY and the up and coming GENERATION there by helping them to grow into better and useful citizens.
7. To extend all possible help in personal sphere and on the levels of al locality, village and town and finally, in the Country

Message of peace and love is the foundation of every human being on this earth, but unfortunately today, instead of promoting the positive values of humanity certain evil elements are engaged in developing rift and hatred among us. In this context it is the responsibility of every peace-loving citizen of this country to introduce the positive teachings and to promote mutual love, confidence and understanding between the members of various communities and religions. All India Payam-e-Insaniyat (The Message of Humanity) Forum is non-political, non-religious, social organization. This organization is committed to promote the basic human values among all citizens of India irrespective of cast, creed or religion purely on the basis of humanity.
About the Founder
Maulana Syed Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi aka “Ali Miyan” (1914-1999) was an illustrious member of the family of Rae Bareli which is credited for producing intellectuals and writers for generations. Moulana Ali Miya was a great thinker, writer, educationist, social reformer, and an international traveller. He was very humble, modest, soft-spoken, tolerant, moderate and generous. He stood for mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, human values, establishing a social atmosphere based on tolerance and harmony in India and in the world at large. He earned our country good name for his services that were also internationally recognized. He served as the chairman of the board for the center of Islamic studies of the Oxford university and as a visiting professor in a number of international universities. In 1980, he received the Faisal International Award, followed by the Brunei Award and the UAE Award in 1999. He also received an honorary doctorate from Kashmir University on 29 October 1981.He will always be remembered for his efforts in fostering and promoting love and amity between different communities and sections of the society. He travelled around India to rebuild relations between communities on the terms of common moral values. He established a movement named “Payam-e- Insaniyat” (Message of Humanity) forum and toured along with his friends, comprising of people from different communities, to certain places where communal riots had erupted, to instill confidence among the victims and to bring the aggressors and wrongdoers to the right path. The present volatile and dangerous situation in the country demands that the message of the late Moulana be reiterated and repeated time and again. The way to peaceful coexistence lies in highlighting the message of humanity. What Moulana said about quarter of a century ago has become more relevant today in the context of rising aggressive behavior of some violent groups and organizations for which innocent people become a soft target of violence and destruction. His concern about the rising corruption in various fields and its remedy too are as fresh as they were in the past.a